Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pan's Labyrinth

I think that this film seemed to blend reality with myth, but the myth is true in the world of the film. I related it to 100 Years of Solitude with the magic realism and the isolated nature of the characters. They all seem to be isolated at this old mill, and the girl is the only one who can escape into "fantasy", what the adults cannot see. Also, this film applied the mythic quality of everything in 3s.

The ending was the most striking part of the film. When the faun said to the girl that she made the right decision, in choosing her blood over her brother's, I think that he knew her fate all along, that she was going to die and be reunited with her biological parents. Though she died, it wasn't a sad death, because after death she was reunited with her mother and met her father, who I gather is the God of the Moon. The place where the creatures can live freely I believe is the underworld. But this image of the underworld is not Hell, or Hades. If I had to make a comparison, I would say it is more like Heaven.

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