Thursday, March 11, 2010

Don Quixote day 6

Don Quixote's character is becoming more and more desperate in his insistence that the inn is enchanted and his being taken captive is due to this enchantment. As his situation (being held in a cage) becomes pathetic, he must find excuses for the way he is treated.

He also defends the books about knights to the canon they meet on the road. The others make fun of him and laugh at him (p. 470) when he tries to save a young lady, which is actually pilgrims carrying an image of the Virgin Mary.

After Don Quixote was beaten, he willingly accepts Sancho Panza'a idea to get home and asks to go back in the enchanted cart. It seems that he begins to give up on his adventures and is becoming docile. It was a pathetic sight to see him enter his village "at noon, and as it happened to be on a Sunday, everybody was in the square, through the middle of which the cart trundled on its way."

In chapter 47 on page 438, Sancho Panza, yet again, demonstrates his basic, noble and true character. He knows that the priest and the others have tricked Don Quixote when they captured and caged him.

"I cans see through you, too, however much you try to cover up your tricks. But there we are, where envy rules virtue can't survive, and where meanness is king there isn't any rooms for generosity."

Sancho warns the priest that God will take the priest "to task" for treating Don Quixote so badly.

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